Policies & Procedures
Please see below for the list of our current Policies and Procedures.
All policies are available in the cloakroom of the preschool for parents to read. If you would prefer please email Mrs Diane Head at pewshampreschool@btconnect.com and she will be happy to send you a particular policy by email.
Please note policies on Children's rights and entitlements (1.1), Child protection (1.2), Use of mobile phones and cameras (1.6), Sun Safety (6.8), Anti Bullying (7.4), Valuing Diversity and Promoting Equality (9.1), Admissions (10.1), Parental Involvement (10.2), Making a complaint (10.9) and Fees and Notification of Leaving (10.11) are available to view below.
1.1 Children's rights and entitlements
1.3 Looked after children and private fostering
1.4 Uncollected child
1.5 Missing child
1.6 Online safety including mobile phones and cameras
1.7 Escalation policy
1.8 Whistleblowing
1.9 British Values and Prevent Duty
2.1 Employment
2.2 Student placements and trainee early years practitioners
2.3 Safer Recruitment
3.1 Induction of employees and volunteers
3.2 First aid
3.3 Staff absence management
4.1 Role of the keyperson and settling in
5.1 Staffing
6.1 Administering medicines
6.2 Managing children who are sick, infectious or with allergies
6.3 Recording and reporting of accidents and incidents
6.4 Nappy changing and intimate care
6.5 Food and drink
6.6 Food hygiene
6.7 Procedure to be followed for seizures
7.1 Promoting positive behaviour, rewards and physical intervention
7.2 Superhero, war and weapon play
7.3 ICT
8.1 Health and safety general standards
8.2 Maintaining children's safety and security on the premises
8.3 Supervision of children on outings and visits
8.4 Risk Assessments
8.5 Fire safety and emergency evacuation
8.6 Animals in the setting
8.7 No smoking and electronic cigarettes
8.8 Closure of preschool
8.9 Outdoor play policy
9.1 Valuing diversity and promoting inclusion and equality
9.2 Supporting children with special educational needs
10.3 Children's records
10.4 Provider records
10.5 Transfer of records to school
10.6 Confidentiality and client access to records
10.7 Information sharing
10.8 Working in partnership with other agencies
10.10 Attendance policy