External Support for Parents
Everyone needs help from time to time, but often we are unaware of what support is available and where to access it. Below are a range of charities, professionals and support groups that may be of help to you.
Gingerbread – are the leading national charity working with single parent families and provide expert advice, practical support and campaign for single mums and dads.
Childcare Choices – Government help with childcare costs for parents. Whether you have toddlers or teens, you could get support. Access the website for a step by step guide to all options that are available to you.
Childcare Choices | 30 Hours Free Childcare, Tax-Free Childcare and More | Help with Costs | GOV.UK
Applying for a Primary School Place – Don’t forget that if your child is 4 before the beginning of September you must apply for a primary school place. The easiest way to apply is online at:
Applying for a school place - Wiltshire Council
The Rise Trust Children’s Centre - The Children’s Centres provide services for families with at least one child under the age of five. They offer non-judgemental, impartial, friendly advice and we are always there for you. Advice covers many aspects of family life, including parenting, financial and adult learning.
The Rise Trust - Children's Centres in Chippenham and North Wiltshire
Wiltshire Money Service – provide free advice to help you understand how changes in global economy can affect your financial life.
Wiltshire Money – Money and Lending Guide (
Citizens Advice Centre - Offering advice over the phone, by email and on web chat.